Learn about green pest control, roach extermination, bed bug eradication, DIY vs professional pest control and more!

Understanding Spider Control
A spider problem can be daunting. Most of the species that invade human living spaces are reclusive and therefore hard to track down and remove. But when they start reproducing, it can suddenly feel like a horror movie to anyone who’s afraid of arachnids. The truth is that most spiders

How Often Should I Have My Home Treated for Pests?
If all homes were perfectly sealed containers, people wouldn’t have nearly as many pest problems. But the reality is that most homes require ongoing maintenance to keep out ants, spiders, roaches, and rodents. Cracks that naturally develop around windows, doors, access panels, and utility boxes allow these intruders to slip inside.

Are Wolf Spiders Poisonous?
Before we answer this question, let’s clear up a small terminology issue: poison is secreted by amphibians and insects to keep other animals from eating them. Venom is used by snakes, ants, and spiders, which inject it into their prey. With that definition in mind, we shouldn’t ask, “Are wolf

How Long is a Termite Treatment Good For?
There are expensive pest problems, and then there are termite infestations, which can cause significantly more damage than most. While ants, rodents, and roaches can be horrendous house guests, termites can literally eat your building out from under you, costing an average of over $8,000 per home in America. But

Where Do You Get Bed Bugs From?
Bed bugs are one of the worst pests to tangle with because they’re so difficult to get rid of. Some people also attach a certain social stigma to bed bug infestations, assuming they’re always associated with poverty or poor living conditions. But the fact is they are equal-opportunity invaders. Anyone

Why Don’t the Flea Bombs that You Buy at the Store Work?
If you’ve ever had a flea infestation, you know it can quickly drive you to drastic measures. It doesn’t take many biting “hitchhikers” latching onto your ankles—or unwanted bed partners covering you with welts—to make you desperate. Pretty soon, you’re compulsively scratching parts of your body that don’t even have flea bites and

Commercial Pest Control – Get Rid of Roaches!
How much does pest control cost for roaches? Well, at Go Green Pest Control (Wichita, KS) we have the most competitive prices in Wichita. Give us a call at 316.733.0687 and request a free quote. We offer IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Roach Control services for healthcare/ hospitals/ and medical facilities,

What are Odorous House Ants?
These little stinkers take their name from the strong, rotten-coconut odor they emit when crushed. Blackish-brown in color, odorous house ants are very small, averaging only 1/8″ long. They aren’t directly dangerous to humans, but their huge colonies can contaminate food stores with alarming speed. And if you see one

Is One Cockroach a Problem?
Cockroaches are ridiculously resilient. So resilient that some biologists believe they would outlast all other species on Earth in many environmental scenarios. Be that as it may, we humans have no plans of surrendering our homes to them just yet, so the battle against the bugs rages on. Some roach

How Quickly Do Cockroaches Reproduce?
Think rabbits, as in the saying “breeding like rabbits.” Cockroaches have several natural survival tools and, like rabbits, one of their top talents is baby-making. Roaches are also extremely social creatures, so if you see one cockroach on your property, it’s safe to assume there are others, possibly lots of

Why Should I Use a Professional to Get Rid of Mice?
Mickey Mouse, Ratatouille, Stuart Little, and Tom’s rascally nemesis, Jerry … we sure do love mice when they’re cute. And fictional. Other hand, most of us would prefer to get rid of mice that are real! They are foul varmints that can spread dozens of diseases to humans in the

Why Is Green Pest Control Safer?
We humans share the planet with a lot of other species, and like them, our health depends on the quality of our natural environment. But when human habitats overlap with those of pest species, we often find ourselves fighting the battle with dangerous chemicals and heavy-handed methods. Thankfully, pest control